Sunday, February 20, 2011


Let me start by welcoming everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. This service is for any and everyone who desires to know more about the things of God. No one is excluded from this place.

This week I would like to continue our teaching and preaching on spiritual warfare. If we as believers do not understand the concept and doctrine of the power God has given us over Satan and his evil spirits, we will be doomed to defeat, sickness and trouble at every hand. God desires we have joy and victory over all the wiles of the devil. After all, didn’t Jesus come to this earth for that very reason?

Did he not come to this earth to save us, give us eternal life and to show us by example how to live a victorious life right here, right now? And then, beyond this life, right onto eternal life with the heavenly Father and his son Jesus. You see, my friends, God loves us more than we can comprehend. He did not just dump us on the earth and say “Good luck.” No, he gives us tools to live victoriously until we unite with him in the afterlife known to us as eternal life. I want to give you a couple of scriptures from the Old Testament books of Nahum and Micah. Nahum was a prophet of the Lord around the year 625 B.C. In other words, Nahum was anointed 625 years before Jesus to give forth God’s Word. I believe you will see how those words pertain to us today. Nahum 1:7 states:

“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.”
These words are just as truthful and relevant today as they were in the year 625 B.C. Let’s look at this a little closer. Nahum is telling us because God is so good, he will be our stronghold or you might say strength in times of trouble. Now, I ask you, my friends, are these not troubling times? Of course they are. And who is our strength? The Lord!! That is, if you accept that strength through his son Jesus. And that also is if you as believers use the strength that God is in your life. It is important for us to believe the Word of God (the Bible), and its instructions on how to defeat Satan’s constant and relentless attacks against us.

We must learn to trust God. This scripture says God knows them that trust him. How does he know that? I could be flippant and just say because God knows everything. But that would not be fair to you, even though it is true. Seriously, folks, God knows those who trust him by their faith in Jesus and by their hunger for the things of God. When Jesus says over and over again “In my name cast out devils,” those that trust him know there are times when that is exactly what we should do. How do we do that? By faith in Jesus. For example: You have an addiction you can’t stop even though you have tried everything you know to do. You hate the addiction and what it is doing to you. Draw on the truth of God. Search the Bible on spiritual warfare scriptures and use the strength of God that Nahum talks about and speak to that spirit of addiction and command it to leave your body in the name of Jesus.

If you need support, ask God to lead you to a church or preacher who believes the Bible and knows how to pray for you and will in faith and by the name of Jesus, cast those evil spirits out of you and set you free. Deliverance from evil spirits is provided for you by Jesus and what he did for you on the cross. Use it, my friends, use it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am sick and tired of seeing people that I know who love God suffer at the hands of the devil. This message is not a message designed to please the multitudes. Many preachers would advise me to not preach on this subject. They would advise that it would cost us church membership. Now it definitely won’t cost us a decline in money, because we never ask anyone for money. Some would say this subject is too controversial, but I would say – since when is Bible truth to be stopped by controversy? What I am showing you in this continuation of a two or three part series is how much God loves you.

Our church believes in salvation, healing (physical and mental), and deliverance from demonic oppression. It would not be fair to you if we did not preach on each of these subjects. God gives me the messages based only on his Word, and I am obligated by my promise to God and to you to deliver them to you. These messages are designed to inform and bless you with God’s Word. I cannot and I will not back away from the truth of the Word that God has revealed to me. Why? Because I love God and his Word and I love you. But, God loves you even more than I do. Okay, let’s continue.

I mentioned earlier Micah, who was a prophet and minister of our Lord around 725 B.C. Let’s take a look at what he has to say about us believers when we have fallen and feel like we are surrounded by darkness. Micah 7:8 states:

“Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: When I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.”
This is an example of Micah, a believer, speaking to his enemy and telling him he would not be defeated because God would be his light and deliver him from darkness. Would he not do the same for us? So, who is our enemy? The Bible says, as we reported last week, that our enemy is not man, but are evil spirits sent to destroy us and to draw us away from God. Remember the scripture we gave you last week out of the book of Ephesians? Let’s read it again. Ephesians 6:12 states:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
So you see, my friends, Micah was telling us to speak to our enemy, which is Satan and his evil forces. Tell them no longer can they rejoice or laugh at your despair. In fact, command them in Jesus’ name to depart from you, never to return again. Speak out loud to that devil and say as Micah said “Even though I have fallen, I shall arise, because my God is for me.” Say out loud “Even though I may be in darkness, God is my light and I am coming out of your darkness into the light of God.” I think you are beginning to get the picture, my friends. God loves you so much he has given you the ability to defeat the devil at every turn. Will demons attempt to oppress you? Yes they will. Do they have the right to oppress you? Only if you let them. But you are learning through this online church that you don’t have to let them oppress or destroy you. Deliverance is available for you in the name of Jesus from all oppression of the devil. We will continue this series next week. Stick with us to the end. I guarantee you will be blessed.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Request: Please pray for Judy Girouard. Judy is in need of a job that pays well, has benefits, and safe working conditions. Also, pray that Judy is able to obtain a new car and she needs transportation.

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