Sunday, December 26, 2010


This day after your Christmas gatherings and the giving of gifts, the beginning of a new year just ahead – let me welcome you to your 24/7, week long, online church service. The end of the year is a time of reflection, isn’t it? There are so many things to evaluate. Reflection of thanks for the many blessings God has provided you - your family and relationships, your financial status. Some things are great, some things are pretty good, and there are also things in your life that are pretty awful and need changing, aren’t there?

I would submit to you that the most important thing to consider is your relationship with God. All New Year’s resolutions would fade into the background if your end of year resolve was to really know and follow Jesus Christ. That resolve would change many things in your life and the lives of your loved ones. You want to be a better husband or wife? Put God first. You desire to be a better parent? Put God first. Are there bondages weighing heavily on your mind? I say again, put God first.

My friends, this ministry is going to emphasize one thing very clearly in 2011 – PUT GOD FIRST!! The way to put God first is by receiving his Son, Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. He will direct your path toward mercy, grace and peace. Psalms 32:8 explains this better than I can. The scripture states:

“I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye.”
You see, God doesn’t leave you alone once you are one of his. No, he will teach you and instruct you how to live a victorious life in him. The Bible, which we have often times called the instruction book of life, is just waiting for you to open the pages and start reading. God says put him first and he will give you eyes to see and ears to hear spiritual things. You will even be able to understand the King James version of the Bible.

One of the biggest lies Satan ever started is that the King James Bible could not be understood by ordinary men, women and children. It is true if you have not received Jesus into your heart that nothing spiritual, including the Bible, would make much sense at all. So what does that mean? Very simply put, it is your choice. God is ready and willing to welcome you into his family and open up spiritual things that will change your life forever and for the better.

My friends, I am imploring you, whether you are a born again believer or not, get right with God and put him first in the upcoming New Year. Jeremiah 33:8-9 shows you just some of the benefits of God to those who are his.

“And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against me; and I will pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against me. And it shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them: And they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and all the prosperity that I procure unto it.”

So I ask you, my friends, would that be a good way to start the New Year? All your sins forgiven? God says he will be so good to you in so many ways that people will notice it. You want a Happy New Year? Put God first.

Now, just a personal note to each of you. I can’t reflect on this past year without giving God thanks for putting you into my life. When we as a ministry say that we love and appreciate you, we mean it. Now some reflections of my own. I want to give special thanks to my wife, Vicki. She hears these messages over and over again. She helps our ministry by typing out my hand written messages and then proof reads them to make any changes needed. God has blessed me with a great help mate and I am thankful for that. I have often told others “I love my wife.” But as we come upon a new year, I want to say it here: Vicki, I love you!!

The second person I want to give thanks to is my friend and computer technician, Justin Rocque. Ladies and gentlemen, I know very little about computers. I knew God put it on my heart to start our online church service, but I had no way or knowledge of how to do it. Then along came Justin who said “I can help you.” And has he ever! Everything you see or hear on our website is the work of Justin. He has been faithful to do this work with me every Saturday night for the last sixteen months. I thank God for putting Justin into my life and I say to him personally: Thank you Justin!!

Finally, I am very thankful to God for you. Everything God gives me to preach is just for you. I expect great things in 2011 for you. I believe all prayer requests for healings and all other things will be answered. I am believing that in 2011 many souls will be saved from their sin so they can obtain eternal life with God and his Son, Jesus Christ. I believe we will see healings of mind, body and spirit. I also know in 2011 we will show up the evil spirits that try to destroy your lives and we will cast them out of you, just as Jesus did when he was on the earth.

God bless you, my friends and Happy New Year. Remember!! Put God first in 2011 and forever.

God Bless You,

Bro. Bob


  1. Hi Bro. Bob, this is your computer technician here leaving a comment to see what's going on. If this goes through, everything is OK. If not, I'll have to see what's going on.

    Talk to you soon,


  2. Hello again, Bro. Bob. It's Justin again. Well, it looks like the comments are going through so I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I'd get back to the people who said they were having issues and point them to the right column where it says, "Leaving A Comment (Instructions)." If they still have trouble, tell them to send me an email so I can figure out what they are doing and why they are not able to post a comment through here.

    Have A Happy New Year Everyone,

