Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July, America!

Happy 4th of July, everyone. What a great country we live in. We are a blessed people, aren't we? This is not the time to take our blessings for granted. Thank God we can attend church to worship the Lord in the manner of our choosing.

I believe God has blessed our country in spite of ourselves. But then, you must ask, why would he do that? The answer? The sincere prayers of the redeemed. A people that believe Jesus is the savior of this world. A people that pray for the success of our beloved country and not the destruction of it. Believers that pray that God will reveal himself to our elected and appointed leaders. Not prayers of defeat, destruction or venom. But prayers that God will lead and guide our government officials.

I have recently received and read emails praying for the death of our President. Does that not fly in the face of our heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ, and their teachings? God says pray for those that are in authority. He does not say pray against them, does he? Well, if you are not convinced, please turn with me to I Timothy 2:1-3. Let's read it together. The Apostle Paul is speaking:

“I exhort therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior.”
Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week-long online church service. You must know by now, everyone is welcome in this place. The Apostle Paul is very clear about our responsibility to all men and women and to our country. First, pray, my good friends, for each other. Pray with thanks giving for all God has done for us. Pray for the lost. Pray for the poor. Pray for those of different races and cultures. Pray for all men and women that they may come to know and accept the free gift of salvation. This was all provided for them by the perfect sacrifice of the only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Give thanks, church. Give thanks for this country that God has allowed us to live in.

We must pray for all that are in authority and that includes President Obama, doesn't it? We can't afford to preach love and show hate toward our President. You may say, brother Bob, aren't you being political here? No, my friends, I am not. We should have prayed for the previous president and for the next president as well.

You know, the 4th of July should be a family time. I remember my wife Vicki and myself taking the kids, all five of them, to the Clawson Michigan fireworks. Patriotic music playing in the background. As I watched the children laughing and “oohing” and “aahing” together at each burst of the explosives in the night sky. I felt a real sense of how great it was and still is, I might add, to be an American.

When the fireworks were over, we would run to the car so we could be one of the first cars to drive away. I would hold the hands of one of the kids while carrying the youngest. Vicki would be herding the other three kids and we rushed and laughed together. I remember seeing all the different people barbecuing in their backyards. American flags flying as kids ran all around with sparklers flashing in the night air. We always felt this was a particular American holiday.

It is hard not to think of our men and women who serve in the armed forces who are sacrificing their own freedoms while protecting ours. As an army veteran, fireworks always remind me of the Star Spangled Banner. Bombs bursting in air, wondering if our flag was still there. The answer is yes, yes, yes!! Our flag still waves over the home of the brave and the land of the free.

Let us never forget that without the leading and guidance of God in our own personal life, our contribution to our country will dissolve into nothingness. I am saying to each of you, love and serve God first and always love and serve the United States of America. Always pray for God's blessings upon our country. Psalms 117, 1-2 leaves us with good instructions for keeping our country strong and blessed.

“O praise the Lord, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the Lord endures forever. Praise ye the Lord.”
What is this Psalm actually saying to America? Reach out America to all the nations of the world to praise the Lord. But America and your great leaders, start praising God again first in this country. Be the example.

God's merciful kindness is great toward us, America. Do not allow this opportunity for even more greatness to pass us by. Praise the Lord, America. God loves and blesses you.

Happy 4th of July!

God Bless You,
Brother Bob

New Prayer Request: Urgent prayer request for Minus Leleaux. Mr. Leleaux has been diagnosed with cancer that involves his liver, pancreas, and lungs. His family has already prayed and are agreeing for his total healing. We are asking you to enter into agreement with their prayer. Please pray urgently and with purpose.


  1. what a beautiful message--- your description of the fireworks was so accurate i actually had a visual---it brought back alot of memories---good menories and i thank you for that---lots of prayers for minus and his family --love you, vicki

  2. It was a beautiful message. I too have many favorite memories of the Clawson fireworks - a long time family tradition, sheared in later years with church family the Sheild's. Thank you for your prayer request, I am pleased to say that Daddy is improving every day and getting stronger and more self sufficient. There is definite power in numbers and the more people we have standing in agreement, the faster we can receive the manifestation of this miracle!
    Love you!
    Your sister Rose
