Sunday, June 13, 2010


Let us welcome everyone to this week's 24/7, week long, online church service. The emphasis being on the word “everyone.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is given to anyone who will receive it. So many times in past messages we have talked about choices, haven't we? There seems to be so much in this world that we have no control over. If we only just looked to man to help solve our problems, we are destined for disappointment and failure.

One thing this online church has preached from the beginning is there are answers to all the problems of life. But, Bro. Bob, where are those answers? These are desperate times. Everywhere and everyone we turn to for help seems to have their own agenda. Corruption in government, businesses, and even in the church is running rampant. Who can we trust? What man, what government, what business, or even what organized church can I trust? Please tell me. I will tell you this, my friends, without the leading and guidance of God in your life, there is no one to turn to.

I had a pastor who once said man was never meant to rule or govern himself. And you know what? I really believe him. Just look around you today. No, I mean really look around you. See what the decisions man has made without God's leading and guidance has got us into? A mess, that's what! This has nothing to do with political parties or the way corporations are controlled. It has to do with man choosing to follow their own ways and setting God and his Word (The Bible) aside for their own gain. Even churches are walking hand in hand with the world system, aligning themselves with political parties and corporations for financial and personal gain. Revelations talks about this alignment. Turn with me and let's read Revelations 3:13-17 together. Keep an open mind and see if this doesn't apply today.

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. And unto the Angel (pastor) of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou were cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; And knowest not that thou art wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.”

This unfortunately is where many of today's organized churches both denominational and nondenominational are today. When churches turn away from preaching Jesus and him crucified, they will surely lose their effectiveness in helping to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When money and approval by man becomes more important than Jesus, the salt has lost its savor.

Churches that believe material worth and fame of men are all important, don't even realize that their emphasis on material wealth and blessing is not a blessing at all. Rather, it is a distraction from the real mission of the church. The lifting up of the name of Jesus that all men will be drawn to Him. Now, let us continue in Revelations 3:22:

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
So what is the Spirit saying? I believe in plain language the Holy Spirit is saying “Come back to Christ and the cross and come back now.” This is a plea to all pastors. Stop, look and listen to the Spirit of God. First, stop whatever you are doing. Forget the past ways of doing things. Get in the present with God. Second, look around you!! Where and in what direction is your church really heading? Are you neglecting the teaching of the Bible for the teachings of your seminary or denomination? Third, listen to the Holy Spirit calling you back to the foundation of teaching, preaching and healing. Fame, money and influence of man is not the answer. The Word of God and the voice of the Holy Spirit is. My good pastors, come back to Jesus and him crucified. Put the things of this world aside. Once again return to God and his righteousness as your guide. Matthew 6:33 points the way to victory:

“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles and prophets: God called you to proclaim Jesus, not the things of this world. Come on back!! Your calling has not been revoked. Now listen to me. If you do not fit into this category I have been talking about, do not be offended by what I am saying. But, if you see yourself or your church in this message, make the decision (choice) to once again serve the one you truly love. You can do it, men and women of God. I know you can.

Today I am going to relate a poem that I believe sums up what I have been talking about. Read and listen with your heart. Is this where you or your church is? If so, I pray change is on the way for you. First, the prelude and then the poem:

The successful church calls back to us, warning us by her example that we have missed the way somewhere. A return to the primitive pattern where reproach and suffering are the manifest evidences will be our only safety. As stated Revelations 3:17. The church, rich and increased in goods, have need of nothing, is a church ready to be spewed out of God's mouth.

The Church and the World walked far apart on the changing shores of time; The World was singing a giddy song, and the Church a hymn sublime. “Come, give me your hand, “cried the merry World “And walk with me this way:” But the good Church hid her snowy hand, and solemnly answered, “Nay! I will not give you my hand at all, and I will not walk with you; Your way is the way of endless death; Your words are all untrue.”

“Nay, walk with me but a little space.” Said the World with a kindly air. “The road I walk is a pleasant road, and the sun shines always there. Your path is thorny and rough and rude, and mine is broad and plain; My road is paved with flowers and gems, and yours with tears and pain. My path you see, is a broad, fair path, and my gate is high and wide. There is room enough for you and me to travel side by side.”

Half shyly the Church approached the World and gave him her hand of snow; and the false World grasped it, and walked along, saying in accents low, “Your dress is too simple to please my taste; I will give you pearls to wear, rich velvet and silks for your graceful form, and diamonds to deck your hair.”

The Church looked down at her plain white robes and then at the dazzling World, and blushed as she saw his handsome lip with a smile contemptuous curled. “I will change my dress for a costlier one,” said the Church with a smile of grace; Then her garments pure drifted away, and the World gave in their place, beautiful satins and shinning silks, and roses and gems and pearls; And over her forehead her bright hair fell, crisp in a thousand curls.

“Your house is too plain.” said the proud old World. “I'll build you one like mine – carpets of Brussels, and curtains of lace and furniture ever so fine.” So he built her a costly and beautiful house – splendid it was to behold. Her sons and her beautiful daughters dwelt there, gleaming in purple and gold; And fairs and shows in the halls were held, and the World and his children were there; And laughter and music and feasts were heard in the place that was meant for prayer.

The Angel of Mercy rebuked the church and whispered, “I know thy sin.” The Church looked back with a sigh, and longed to gather her children in. But some were off in the midnight ball, and some were off at the play and some were drinking in saloons; So the Angel went away.

The sly World gallantly said to her, “Your children mean no harm – merely indulging in innocent sports.” So she leaned on his proffered arm, and smiled, and chatted, and gathered flowers as she walked along with the World; While millions and millions of deathless souls to the horrible pit were hurled.

“Your preachers are too old and plain,” said the gay old World with a sneer; “They frighten my children with dreadful tales which I like not for them to hear: They teach of suffering, toil, and pain and a cross that all must bear; And the world, the flesh and the devil disdain if they the crown would wear.”

“I will send you some of the better preachers, brilliant and handsome and fast, who tell them that people may live as they want and go to heaven at last.” So he filled her house with false divines, gifted and great and learned; and the plain old men that preached the cross were out of the pulpit turned.

The sons of the World and the sons of the Church walked closely hand and heart, and only the Master, who knoweth all, could tell the two apart. Then the Church sat down at her ease and said, “I am rich and in good increased; I have need of nothing, and naught to do but to laugh and dance and feast.” The sly World heard her, and laughed in his sleeve, and mockingly said aside, “The Church has fallen – the beautiful Church – and her shame is her boast and pride.”

The Angel drew near to the Mercy seat, and whispered in sighs her name; and the saints their anthems of rapture hushed and covered their heads with shame. And a voice came down, through the hush of heaven, from Him who sat on the throne “I know thy work, and how thou hast said, 'I am rich' – and hast not known that thou art naked and poor and blind, and wretched before my face. Repent of thy sins, lest I spew thee out and blot thy name from its place.”

Do you see what has happened to the church run by men and their agendas? This ministry calls out to the true church of Jesus Christ – Return home church – return home.

God Bless you,
Bro. Bob

Prayer Request Update: Please pray for Nancy Stewart. She is undergoing chemotherapy due to cancer of the liver. I am asking the church to seriously lift up Nancy for a total and complete healing. We command the spirit of cancer to leave her body, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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