Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jesus... Our Strong Foundation

This has been an exciting week for the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries. The culmination of two weeks of messages that pointed out the importance of renewing your mind to the Word of God. Also, the revelation in written and in audio that God loves you the best has had a real impact on many of our online church viewers. It has also had a big impact on this preacher of the Gospel. With that in mind, let me welcome you to this weeks 24/7 week-long online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place.

The whole point of the last two previous messages has been to invite non-believers to come to Jesus, and for believers to begin to walk in the faith they now profess. This is a very different time on the earth, my friends. There is difficulty on every side. Crime, greed, perversion, selfishness, false religions, wars, and rumors of wars. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and such. Take a good look, my friends, where it is supposed to be cold, it is warm or hot. Where the temperatures are supposed to be hot, it is cold. It seems like everything is upside down and turned inside out, doesn't it?

If there ever was a time that called for a strong foundation and stability, this is it. Wouldn't you agree? Our premise and, in fact, the truth of the Word, is that Jesus is that foundation. This is the reason we have stressed that believers must study and be doers of the Word so their life will be built on a strong foundation of love, mercy, and grace.

It is also the reason we welcome everyone in these online church services. We want unbelievers to enter into this place. We want you here regardless of what sins you are committing or what you feel or what you say about God. Why? So we can point you to the truth about who Jesus is and what he did for you. We know if you give yourself a chance, the Word of God will pierce your heart and you will realize the only stability and true foundation of life can only be found in Jesus Christ, the Son of our Heavenly Father.

Let's turn to Luke 6:47-48 and see what this loving Jesus has to say. Jesus is speaking here:

“Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like: he is like a man which built a house and digged deep, and lay the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.”

So, what is Jesus saying here my friends? He is saying very simply and with strong conviction for you to come to him!! He says, in affect, “listen to me!! Hear what I am saying, but don't just hear what I am saying, do them!” Why? So when the floods of life try to overwhelm you, they will not be able to because your life will be founded on a rock and who is that rock? The answer is Jesus!!

This is the reason I'm sure, that God has impressed on me so strongly to encourage all that are believers to really live your faith. This is no time to play patty cakes with the world and its sinful ways, is it? Well, I'm asking the question. What is your answer?

Jesus went on in Luke 6:49 to explain what the alternative to his previous instructions would be:

“But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without foundation built a house upon the earth: against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.”

That, my friends, is a warning by Jesus given out of love for you. It is because Jesus loves you that he is telling you these things. Come to Jesus, hear his sayings, be a doer of the Word. Nothing can defeat you. Or, do not come to Jesus, do not hear his words, do not do what he says. Then nothing can save you from the floods of life. It is because we love you that we come to you week after week after week to present Jesus and the Word of God to you so you can build your life on the only true foundation of life, Jesus Christ!!

I know we have repeated this to you in two different ways today. This shows you how important we feel it is for you to grasp and understand this truth. I guess the real thing I am saying is really, just be who you are meant to be. If you call yourself a Christian believer, the first thing to do is to really check yourself and make sure your profession of faith in Jesus is sincere and true. If your conclusion is your love and faith in Jesus is true, begin to talk, walk, and act like it. You now have the ability to truly be yourself. A son or daughter of the living God. Learn what God wants to teach you in the Bible. Begin to say and agree with God about everything in your life.

Do not be ashamed of the Gospel. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you did not just add on something to your life. You replaced your own life with the new and better life of God. Do you not understand this? This revelation can change your life for the better. Paul said in Romans 1:16:

“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power unto salvation. What a statement, my friends. Study the Bible, learn the Gospel, and receive power to overcome all the tribulations of life. God wants you to have victory on this Earth, through his Son Jesus. You as a believer have obtained this victory. Now, begin to proclaim it. I am trying to encourage you, my friends, to live up to your God-given ability and potential.

This can not be done by keeping one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God. No, no, no! Jump in with both feet. I guarantee if you do this, your tears will turn into laughter! Your weakness will become strength in Jesus! Your outlook on life will be brighter. Your ability to affect people for good will increase. Your love for your fellow man will flow out of you in sincerity and in action.

God loves you so much, he really does want the best for you. Salvation, healing, and deliverance are yours. Grab on to it! Cherish it! Don't let it go! Proclaim it to anyone who will listen. This is your new life. Live it to the fullest. Great things are ahead for you.

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

1 comment:

  1. Amen,

    We must live for Him today, don't worry about tomorrow. Today is enough to handle. Keep it simple! Let's show them our love by our actions.

    In Him,
