Sunday, May 20, 2012


As you know, I have often stated the Bible is the instruction book of life.  In fact, I will be more clear.  Everything we need to know or do to be victorious in life is stated clearly in the Word of God.  All this jibber jabber that people can’t understand the King James Bible is just that, jibber jabber.  Let me welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service.  Everyone is welcome in this place.

Now listen folks, I’m not pushing the King James Bible on you, although I must admit I personally love it.  I’m just pointing out the deception Satan uses to keep people from reading their Bible.  The truth is, the King James version is still the best selling version on the market today.  A little tip for you – If you want to say ‘truly’ instead of ‘verily,’ or if it’s important to you to say ‘you’ instead of ‘thee’ or ‘thou’ God will not get mad at you. 

You see, church, when Jesus came to this earth and died to take away the bondage of sin from you, he spoke words of wisdom to us.  He told us who he is.  He is the son of the God above all gods.  He gave us guidelines to follow to have a loving family relationship with him and the Father.  The amazing thing is when Jesus paid the price for our sin by his death, by the shedding of his blood and by his resurrection back to heaven, where he sprinkled his own blood on the mercy seat. God accepted his pure sacrifice and made a way for us to live and be with them In joy, love, peace, mercy and grace forever.  Now that is what the Bible teaches us.  In the book of I John we get a good example of what I am talking about.  I John 5:20 states:

“And we know that the son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son Jesus Christ.  This is the true God and eternal life.”
This scripture is clearly speaking to us believers, isn’t it?  We know that is so because it says in no uncertain terms that we are in him that is true, even his son, Jesus Christ.  So what does this mean for nonbelievers?  Truth is, we were all nonbelievers at one time, weren’t we?  You are not naturally born into Jesus Christ my friends no matter what church your family attends.  Being one with God comes only by your acceptance of Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior of your life, and that is a free will choice.  But, notice what this scripture is telling us.  God gives us all his understanding.  No one is left out. 

His understanding is available to every person on the earth.  Whether you accept that understanding or not is totally up to you.  God is saying to you, nonbeliever – Come to me.  His son Jesus is saying, come to us – talking about his Father God and himself.  And this Spirit of Wisdom Ministry is saying to you – come to God today.  Receive his son Jesus in your heart and let his Word speak to you.  This is an open invitation to everyone.  That is why we always say “Everyone is welcome in this place.”

Our mission and purpose of every message we present to you is to lead you to the son of God, Jesus Christ.  We preach this message because of the love of God that he has placed in our hearts for you.  As believers, our hearts should be tender toward the lost.  After all, we are God’s ambassadors of love and reconciliation to a lost and dying world, aren’t we?  Psalms 51:10 gives us instruction in how to ask God to help us be his servant.  It says:

“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
I know you are saved, my friends.  But do you still have a clean heart?  Maybe it is time for a self examination spiritually speaking.  Remember when we first got saved and we knew, that we knew, that we knew, we had a right spirit within us?  This Word tells us that if we are not watchful over our spirit we can allow it to be corrupted again.  If that is the case with you, just sincerely say “Oh God, renew a right spirit in me.”  God is faithful, my friends and he will hear your cry and restore your spirit to be acceptable to him and a blessing to you.  Psalms 5:12-13 goes on to say:

“Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.  Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”
I sense a stirring of the Holy Spirit in you, my friends.  I know how easily we can allow the circumstances of this world to steal our joy.  That free spirit we received at our new birth in Jesus seems now bound and tied up.  We feel guilt because our witness is not as good or effective as it once was.  But this scripture brings good new to us, church.  The psalmist is saying to you that all we feel we have lost can be restored.  It is important that we turn back to God and ask him to restore us.  These are instructions to us, church.  God would not tell us to pray to him to restore our joy if we could not have lost that joy in the first place, would he?

Just look at what happens when we sincerely turn to God and ask him to renew a right spirit within us.  Pay attention to the benefits of coming to God and asking him to restore the joy of your salvation.  Verse 13 in Psalms 52 gives us the answer to what we can experience if we just turn back to God and follow the instructions of the above scriptures.  Psalms 51:13 says this:

“Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.”
I repeated this scripture to emphasize what a blessing this is to us church and what a blessing to the lost – just because we are faithful to follow God’s instruction in his Word.  When you follow God’s instruction, he will create a clean heart and renew a right spirit within you.  He will restore the joy of your salvation and uphold you with his free spirit.  And then, he will once again allow you to teach the wayward and lost and because of your obedience to the Word of God, he will allow you to once again be a testimony and to cause sinners to be converted to him.  Now folks, this is not jibber jabber.  This is the truth of God’s Word.

God Bless You,

Bro. Bob

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