Sunday, April 29, 2012


Last week we made a very truthful, yet difficult statement.  We said the way things are in the world today nobody trusts anybody anymore.  There is no one or thing that seems trustworthy or reliable.  This is a sad conclusion to draw, yet I know it rings true to you, doesn’t it?  Let me welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long, online church service.  I cannot emphasize enough everyone is welcome in this place. 

Now let me be clear.  We all have friends or relatives that we know and love.  But truth be known, we all know that even these loved ones let us down or betray our trust at different times, don’t they?  This does not make them bad people.  It just makes them human.  Because we love them we usually forgive them and go on with our lives.  Yet these human experiences caution us not to give our one-hundred percent trust to any man or woman, doesn’t it? 

My friends, in these difficult times, I will point this out to you.  There is only one that is totally trustworthy and that is God, who presented himself to us through his son, Jesus Christ.  Let’s look at this trust.  Church, we want you to know there is One who will never let you down.  His name is Jesus.  If there is one thing I know for sure, church, is that Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  All through the New Testament of the Bible Jesus is referred to as Lord or The Lord.  Now with that in mind, let’s look at Deuteronomy in the Old Testament.  How many of you know Old Testament shows the character of God?  That character flows through Jesus to us.  So let’s read Deuteronomy 31:8 together:

“And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed.”
I ask you, are these comforting words or not?  That my friends, is the character of God.  His Word is true and he is completely trustworthy.  Let’s explore this scripture a little more closely.  Basically the very first thing it says is no matter what your situation in life is, no matter what you are going through – Moses in this scripture tells us clearly that God will  go before you.  You may have heard the saying that God will make a way where there seems to be no way.  That is our God.

Moses goes on to tell us this:  God will never fail us.  Now, that sounds trustworthy to me, how about you?  This scripture goes on to say that no matter what, your Lord will never forsake you. In other words, church, you put your trust in God and his son, Jesus Christ.  No matter what, he will never leave you or turn his back on you.   Now, who else can you say that about? 

One of the biggest things we face on this earth is fear, isn’t it?  We fear so many things – the loss of a job, broken relationships, the lack of money.  So many things plague us with fear.  Yet, in this scripture we are told boldly and clearly to fear not!!  Neither be dismayed.  Why?  Because God is with you and for you.  Believe that, my friends.  It is the Word of God and God does not break his Word.  Listen folks, I understand these words are not easy to believe.  But God has said them to us in his Word.  Jesus in the book of Mark addresses the belief and unbelief that we struggle with.  Let’s read Mark 9:23 together:

“Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to them that believeth.”
Jesus was talking to a distraught father whose son was possessed by demons.  This father needed help for his son, yet no help seemed to be available to him until Jesus came into his life.  That was his situation.  What is your situation, my friends?  The words of Jesus to this distraught father are his very exact same words to you this day.  Now, listen to Mark 9:24.  The father expresses truthfully his feelings and emotions and this is what he said:

“And straight way the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord I believe; help thou my unbelief.”
This points out our situation in so many cases, doesn’t it?  We say we believe in healing, Lord help our unbelief.  We say we believe in deliverance, Lord help our unbelief.  We even say we believe God has forgiven us of our sins, Lord help our unbelief.  Is this message becoming more clear to you know, folks? We are too hard on ourselves, church.  Sometimes we worry so much about our unbelief in a situation we forget to ask God to help with our belief.  God sees our struggles.  Seek him and he will show himself to you.  My  suggestion is to seek God and his direction for you first thing each morning.  Psalms 5:1-3 shows us the way.

“Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.  Herken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God; for unto thee will I pray.  My voice shall thou hear in the morning, O Lord.  In the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.”
You see folks, God gives us direct instructions in his Word on how and when to talk with him.  God is telling you in no uncertain terms that he knows man cannot always be of help to you, but he can and will.  You must just believe him enough to ask for him to consider your thoughts pertaining to your life on this earth.  This scripture tells you it is okay to cry out your needs and desires to God.  You want results, you must cry out to your King and to your God.   The way to do that is to truly receive Jesus Christ into your heart and to confess Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.

That gives you the right to cry out – My God, help me.  You are learning here to approach God in the morning.  It does no good to wait till nightfall to ask God to bless your day.  Do you understand this?  Listen to me everyone, my desire is to see you begin to believe and trust God in every situation of life that you find yourself in.   Come to know for certain that God’s Word is true.  He does love you.  He will never leave you nor forsake you.  Trust is something that is earned.  Jesus died on that cross just for you.  Now that is someone you can trust in.
God Bless You,

Bro. Bob

1 comment:

  1. I really like this week's message thank you very much brother bob, this message this week is help me a lot, sincerely your friend in secured
