Sunday, August 21, 2011


We are still celebrating God’s faithfulness in allowing us to enter into our third year of ministry to you. Our heavenly Father continues to bless us with anointed messages. As we stated last week, each message we present is designed to draw people to Jesus Christ. Any agenda other than that would just be vanity. In other words, any message given that is not anointed and blessed by God is useless and worth nothing. Thank God, this ministry has the right agenda. Jesus Christ and him crucified. God’s gift to you. The perfect sacrifice that sets us free from the bondage of sin and provides us with eternal life with God and his son Jesus Christ forever and forever.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, weeklong, online church service. Everyone, and I am sure by now you know, we mean everyone is welcome in this place. We have been reviewing our purpose and mission of our online church. So far, we have touched on three major points. Salvation. The only salvation is Jesus Christ. There is no other way to God than through his son Jesus. Healing. We pointed out that Jesus is our healer. Just as he healed many while here on the earth, he is still healing folks today by the power and majesty of his name. Just as we love and desire healing for our children, God desires his children to live in good health. We teach healing for today. We pray our messages will help build your knowledge and faith in the realm of healing for your mind, body and spirit.

Spiritual warfare (deliverance from demonic influence). All through the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we see how Jesus cast out devils. There are times when we as believers must come against the devil in spiritual warfare. Satan is no match against the name of Jesus. Jesus tells us clearly that every good work he did, we can also do. Turn with me to John 14:12 and let’s see what Jesus is telling us:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do: Because I go unto my Father.”
Do you understand this, believers? Sometimes we sell ourselves short by our lack of knowledge regarding the Bible. That is the reason, my friends, we state over, and over again that the Bible is the instruction book of life.

I would like to take a little liberty with you at this time. I have been meditating lately on how this online ministry came to be. I would like to share with you how God in his goodness gave me this vision. You are our online church family. You should know about the origin of the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries. I believe a basic scripture for this vision would be John 12:32-33. Jesus said:

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. This he said, signifying what death he should die.”
Of course, Jesus was talking about his death on the cross. Little did the Jesus haters of that time realize when they lifted Jesus up on that cross it would be the beginning of all men being drawn to salvation through Jesus. God has impressed on my heart that as we lift up the name of Jesus even today, men will still be drawn to him.

It was in the year 2007. We were living in Tennessee and God was dealing with me in what direction I was to go in my calling to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. It all started as a thought. I remember thinking “I’m getting older in age and yet I know God has called me to preach his message of Jesus Christ and him crucified to all nations.” But, how could that be possible? I know now that at that time God planted the idea of an online church in my heart and mind. The idea of how to use the Internet to reach the world for Christ became a constant thought. However, as quick as the thought came to my mind, I would shake it off. Why? Because I have very little computer skills. Yes, I could send e-mails and pay bills, but that was about it. Yet, I could not get the idea out of my mind.

God was beginning to show me how an online church could reach all kinds of people that organized denominations and mainstream churches couldn’t. I remember thinking about people who don’t attend church for whatever reason they might have. Even people who do attend church could use some inspiration and words of faith and love during the week, couldn’t they?

Well, as things would happen, we moved back to Florida at the end of 2007, back to the same house we had lived in but couldn’t sell. Now, I know why. Time went by. I studied my Bible and realized that when I was able to preach again the Bible would be my only handbook. Everything I would preach would only be based on the Word of God. I believe God used all of 2008 to instruct me and prepare me to preach the Word of God to you, my online church family. All through this time I still could not get the idea of an online church service out of my head.

As 2009 moved forward, I was convinced the online church was just my idea and I tried again to dismiss it from my mind, but it just wouldn’t go away. I remember going to the local park and praying over and over to God. I was asking him “Why me?” I argued with God. I have no computer skills, can’t I just preach in churches? I’m an evangelist. Finally, in August of 2009, I was having dinner with a young friend of ours and I was telling him about what God wanted me to do. This friend is very computer savvy. In fact, I didn’t know at the time he was contemplating starting his own pc repair and service company. I told him “Justin, I feel this is God, but I just don’t know anything about computers. I just don’t know how to do it.”

I believe this is where God intervened. Justin said “I do. We can go back to your house and I’ll set everything up for you.” That, my friends, was August 5, 2009. That night, Justin set up our website, formatted everything and we posted our first message. It basically said we are starting an online church, next week we will post our first full service. And guess what? We did a message titled “Choose Wisely.” Now, over two years later and we have not missed one week. Tell me, isn’t God great?

We started the Spirit of Wisdom Ministries drawing on God’s wisdom to present Jesus to each of you. Incidentally, Justin is still my computer tech. He is here every Saturday night to help get the Word of God out to you. I write new messages each week and my wife, Vicki, types them up. At this time, we know we are reaching people in Luxemburg, and in Germany, Russia, China, France, Canada, Kenya and yes, even the United States of America with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let this encourage you, my friends. If God gives you a vision, he will give you the tools to bring it to pass. Thank you my friends for being such a special part of our online church family. We love and appreciate you very much.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

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