Sunday, January 30, 2011


This has been an interesting month, hasn’t it? We have presented messages designed to provoke thinking on your part. Just look at the titles of the previous weeks – “But what is ahead in 2011?” Then we presented a Christmas message part one and two that does not fit the usual cookie cutter version of Christmas. Finally last week, “Follow the directions.” This was a more basic message designed to get all of us together back to reading the Word of God (the Bible) and doing whatever God reveals for us to do.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. No one is excluded in this place. In the upcoming weeks and months we are going to explore many subjects that are presented to us in the Bible. Some of these subjects will be controversial to some of you. That is not our intention, however remember back nineteen months ago when we first introduced your online church to you. At that time we told you we would give forth the revealed word of truth that God has revealed to us. You know, my friends, God through his Word reveals things to all of us (this means you and me) through the Bible and by the Holy Spirit. Oftentimes, the truth that is revealed to us differs from the accepted teaching and preaching of today. It is not a question of sharing that truth with you, but rather when to share it with you, just as when you should share what God reveals to you with others.

We will be teaching, preaching and having discussions on subjects like the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, is there really an unknown tongue understood only by God? Well, as a preview, turn to I Corinthians 14:2. Let’s read this together.

“For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God; for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.”
Now, I understand there are many points of view on this subject. Some believe tongue talking is not for today. Others believe it is precious and a gift of God. There are even denominations that believe it is of the Devil. What do you think? And, what should you do with the above scripture? If you do not believe speaking in tongues is a valid doctrine of the Bible, should you ignore or rip this scripture out of your Bible? We will give forth detailed and exciting messages on these subjects soon so stay tuned.

Another controversial subject we will preach and teach on is evil or demonic spirits. Are they on the earth today? Can Christians be oppressed or have demons living in them? Should demons be cast out of nonbelievers? Or, is this a tool that God has given us to help Christians? Jesus points the way in John 14:12 and this is what he says to us:

“Verily, verily, I say unto you. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also: And greater works than these shall he do: Because I go unto my Father.”
So, the questions begs, what did Jesus do while on the earth? We know he healed the sick. He taught and preached to the multitudes and yes, he cast out devils. Let’s look at Luke 9:38-41.

“And behold, a man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: For he is mine only child. And lo, a spirit taketh him, and he suddently crieth out; and it teareth him that he foameth again, and bruising him hardly departeth from him. And I besought thy disciples to cast him out and they could not. And Jesus answering said, Oh faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? And suffer you? Bring thy son hither.”
It sounds like he was not pleased with his disciples lack of faith and action, was he? Verse 42 says:

“And as he was yet a coming (the child), the Devil threw him down and tear him. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and healed the child and delivered him again to his father.”
The first sentence in Verse 43 says:

“And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God.”
My friends, how long has it been since you have been amazed at the power of God in your church? Maybe it is time for churches to once again teach and preach about the gifts of healing and the casting out of devils. This online church will be glad to lead the way. Healing and evil demonic spirits are subjects we will be touching on in a very thorough way during this year. God wants his people to know and use his power to overcome evil in this present lifetime. Get ready folks, you will not be disappointed.

We will also be preaching and teaching on faith. Hebrews 11:1 will explain what faith is. Take your time and meditate on this verse.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
In other words my friends, faith is not based upon your five senses. But rather, on every word that is in the Word of God (the Bible). Why is this important to know? Hebrews 11:6 tells us.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
You know, to listen to some preachers you would believe teaching on faith today is wrong. But the truth is, they are wrong. We will be doing a complete series on faith in upcoming meetings. Can you see why I am so excited, my friends? Together we will learn and grow in the knowledge of God because everything we preach and teach will be based on the Word of God and I will repeat myself, all that we preach and teach will be based only on the Word of God, which is the Bible. I hope you are as pumped up and excited as I am.

Finally, all these subjects would be nothing if Jesus had not died on that cross to redeem us to the Lord. Our main function as a church is to draw you to Jesus. We are nothing but we can point you to someone who is everything. He name is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. John 3:16 tells what you need to know about him. Jesus is speaking here:

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
That is the eternal message and the ultimate truth. Salvation is and will always be our most important subject. Nonbeliever, come to Jesus!! Believers who have walked away, come back home now! Faithful believers, stay faithful! God loves you, my friends. That is why you are drawn to this online church. We know God loves you and we are not afraid to tell you the truth.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Urgent Prayer Request: Kathleen Warren has requested a prayer request for her brother Blake. He has been diagnosed with a serious liver condition. Please pray for a complete and total healing. Also, pray that Blake receives Jesus as Lord and Savior of his life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


As we now journey into the year 2011 there are decisions to be made. Are we going to carry on alone? Are we going to face the challenges of life that are now clearly facing us with or without God’s help? Even believers must ask these questions. It is amazing how many believers have God’s ear but never talk to him. Not because they don’t believe in God, but because of possible bad teaching by false teachers or preachers. They don’t even know God listens to their prayers and cries for help and direction.

The other reason some believers get mixed up is that they listen to all the advice of persons who do not follow God’s ways and begin to follow them instead of God. Our purpose is to lead you back to the Father. We state emphatically!! Talk with God. Believe on his Son Jesus Christ. Listen once again to the spirit of God that will lead you into truth and the only correct direction for your life.

Welcome to your 24/7, week long, online church service. How many ways must we say – everyone is welcome in this place. I truly say welcome to all that enter into this service. I know if you read or listen to this message God will touch you with his Words of Life.

All right. Let’s start by seeing what God’s Word (The Bible) has to say about who you listen to. Please turn with me to Psalms 1:1-3.

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”
This scripture is very clear, isn’t it? My friends, the Spirit of God is warning us in no uncertain terms to be very careful who we listen to. The lesson is always follow God’s Word no matter what man has to say about the matter. Regarding standing in the way of sinners there is a lesson to learn. Do not ever be an obstacle to a sinner coming to the Lord. Not by word or action.

I remember an incident when I returned to the Lord from a backslidden condition. The decision to follow God again was a firm one. I felt so good to be back under the blessing, mercy and grace of God, but one thing really bothered me. I had to tell a very close friend I could no longer go with him to the bars, no longer could I listen to or be a part of some conversations or jokes. Do you get the picture? This friend was very worldly and easily provoked to violence. He was a black belt in karate.

I finally summoned up all the courage God was giving me and told Gary I had to talk with him. I had no idea how he would take it, but my mind was telling me it would not be good. I explained to my friend how I had known and walked with Jesus, but had walked away due to my own weakness and the circumstances of life. Gary didn’t say a word, he just stared at me. I explained about God’s mercy and grace. I told him I know Jesus is calling me back to him. My calling was to serve God and I was going to do my best to do just that. After about ten minutes of complete silence, Gary spoke and this is what he said: “Bob, I hope you make it. I am going to watch you closely because if you can make it, then maybe there is hope for me.” You see, my friends, we never know who is watching us. Our job is to offer evidence of our faith in God to all who are observing us. Verses 3 and 4 point out very clearly that “if,” and the key word is “if” we delight in God’s word we will be able to withstand all that life throws at us. That, my friends, is true success and God says we will prosper in all our ways. Now that sounds good to me. How about you?

Remember we are talking about direction for our lives in this New Year. What better place to find that direction than in the instruction book of life, which is the Bible. My desire for you in 2011 is very simple and very straight forward. I desire you have and show love. I pray for good health, financial prosperity and peace of mind for you. I am believing God for protection and safety for you everyday. But most of all, my prayer is that you will come to know God fully and completely through his son Jesus. This prayer is the burden God has put on my heart and I gladly accept it.

Even though this is an online church, I see each of you in the spirit. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God loves you. He tells me in his Word to love you as he loves me and that, my friends, is without condition. That is the reason everyone is welcome to attend this and every service we are blessed to present.

Believers, this message in large part is designed for you. There is a call from the Spirit of God to you loud and clear!! Stand fast in the love and mercy and grace of God. Your effectiveness in bringing your friends, family and others to the Lord depends on it. We must never let the draw of the world on us become more pronounced than the draw of the Holy Spirit. Galatians 5:1 gives us our direction for 2011.

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
To abandon the liberty and freedom Jesus has provided us by his death on the cross will guarantee the bondage of sin once again in our life. To stand fast in the liberty and freedom Jesus provided for us guarantees a life of freedom and peace of mind no one can take away from us. Yes, my friends, God has set us on a path of love, goodness, mercy and grace. Get out your Bible and follow the directions.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, January 16, 2011


This week we will continue our discussion regarding Christmas. Together, perhaps we can discern what is mans’ tradition and what is really Biblical regarding our celebration or acknowledgment of the birth of the baby Jesus. I would suggest if you have not read or listened to last week’s message that you do so now. It’s alright, go back to last week’s service and read or listen to what was taught so you will be up to date.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Surely you know by now you are welcome in this place. Let me get something straight with you right away. The celebration of Christmas is a free choice. Don’t let it be said that Bro. Bob is telling people to not celebrate Christmas. What I am doing is giving you factual knowledge based on the Word of God. You can then take this knowledge before God in prayer. What will that do to your celebration at Christmastime? I don’t know. That will be up to you. Perhaps nothing or you may make changes in the focus and methods that you use. It’s possible you may eliminate Christmas as you have always perceived it.

I mentioned last week this is not an easy message to deliver. But, it is an important one. When we celebrate Christian holidays, we want to be sure they are of God, don’t we? It is important we serve God in spirit and in truth. God only honors what is done in his name if it is really the way God would have it done. Proverbs 14:12 states:

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”
In other words, there are traditions of men that seem good but actually lead you away from God. Certainly the acknowledgment of the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is a good thing. It may just be the method we use that is not of God.

Let’s review Part One of this message: (a) We talked about the stress of Christmas on so many. The over spending of borrowed or bill money on gifts. The rise in depression and suicides during the season. The overindulgence of alcohol and drugs all, in the name of celebrating Christmas. We asked, does this sound like anything Jesus would desire to be associated with? (b) We talked about how the Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity yet still worshiped false gods such as Saturn and Baal. He brought his celebration of false gods that was celebrated in December to the Roman Church and a devilish agreement was entered into. To bring the pagans and worshipers into the Church, the Church agreed to combine the festival of Saturnalia with the celebration of the birth of Christ and they called it Christ/Mass; thereby combining the worship of false gods and Jesus as one worship. And there, my friends, is the origin of Christmas. In fact, Christmas has never been a pure celebration of the birth of Jesus. Sad, but true.

We mentioned that is the reason Christmas celebrations were outlawed in colonial America, due to the people of that era understanding that Christmas was not a pure celebration of Jesus, but in fact, was part of a pagan worship and a reproach to the Lord. Look, don’t get mad at me. This is history that can be checked out. Christmas didn’t become an actual legal holiday until 1836 in the state of Alabama. (c) We talked about the history of bringing trees into the house and decorating them. Now admittedly, they are beautiful and enjoyable to look at. But, do they have anything at all to do with Jesus? The answer is – no they do not. In fact, since earliest times evergreens were worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction. We referred you to Jeremiah 10:1-5, which I ask you to read again. This scripture warns of the dangers of following pagan or false god rituals. And so, we continue….

If you were to study this out for yourself, (and I would encourage you to do just that) you will find the carrying in and draping of holly and other evergreen plants came down to us from the pagan worship of evergreen plants, especially from Druid rituals conducted in midwinter (late December). Listen, I know and understand you use these items for innocent decoration. I understand you do not consider yourself to be worshipping these objects as the pagans did. But in fact, is it not true knowing what you now know, while not worshipping false gods by your action, your celebration may be based on a foundation that is repugnant to God.

I think it is fair to say we have preached on some very touchy subjects here, haven’t we? Up to now, we have talked about the spiritual or so-called spiritual aspects of Christmas. Let’s change course and address the other side of Christmas and other holidays.

Let’s talk about Santa Claus. I remember when as young Christians God impressed upon my wife and myself that when we were telling our youngest daughter, Lyle, that Santa Claus was coming and bringing gifts to her, telling her that he knew if she was good or bad and so on; we were flat out lying to her. Now granted, our parents told us the same things as parents have been doing for around one-hundred years or so. We felt convicted of our sin of lying and so we told her the truth. God has shown me why the myth of Santa Claus, elves, flying reindeer and all other fabrications are so dangerous. All right, stay with me here. I am not meddling. I am preaching truth.

Parents, I know this is not what you want to hear. None of you would tell an untruth to your children if you really believed it to be harmful. But think about it. We tell our children there is a Santa Claus and then they find out there isn’t one. We tell them there is a tooth fairy and they find out there isn’t one. We tell them there is an Easter bunny and they later find out there isn’t one. Now we tell them there is a God above who loves them. Please explain to me why they should believe you. I took a survey once a while back. I asked adults what was the first real lie or untruth you realized your parents ever told you? Ninety percent said it was about Santa Claus. Ten percent were not sure. I understand you told your child these untruths not to on purpose lie to them, but to build their imagination. Also, it seemed like it was fun for them. That is the deception Satan has placed before us, my friends. Now, do you see the reason I am preaching this message to you? Satan is always ready to deceive us. He combines the birth of Jesus with Santa Claus, the resurrection of Jesus with the Easter bunny. Do you really believe God approves of or is involved in this type of activity?

Let me give you an example of combining Jesus with Santa Claus and what the result of what that action is. There are churches today that conclude their Christmas pageants or plays honoring the birth of Jesus. Now just think about this. You are in church singing O Holy Night and Joy to the World. You are focused entirely on God and Jesus. The spirit of God is present and tangible. Now the pageant and singing is over. God is on your heart and mind. And suddenly down the church aisle bounds the fictional character known as Santa Claus to give out gifts or just to lead the singing of Jingle Bells. What happened in that instant? The focus on Jesus? Gone!! In an instant, in church!! Now seriously, ask yourself would God really be in that?

Let me put it like this, my friends. We often ask ourselves what would Jesus do? Do you really believe that Jesus would tell kids there is a Santa Claus? Do you believe Jesus would want his birthday remembered as just part of a holiday to be shared with Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman? Romans 14:5 states:

“One man esteemeth one day above another: Another esteemeth everyday alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.”
Everyday is the Lord’s day. Celebrate as unto the Lord. When the next Christmas season comes around, I am asking God to show you what changes should be made in your celebration. One thing for sure, please do not mix fabrications, untruths and traditions based on pagan and false god worship, with the birth of Jesus.

My friends, I could have made this a four or five part series. There is so much evidence about the origin of Christmas. However, I believe this is enough for this time period. Everything that we have presented and even the things we have not had the time to present, all point to one question. Was Jesus really ever in Christmas? The answer is between you and God.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, January 9, 2011


As we enter into the second week of the New Year, many people are just beginning to recover from the holidays. At the same time, many are going into shock as the credit card bills are now coming in. It seems like the stress of Christmas goes on and on, doesn’t it?

You know, many psychologists say Christmastime brings a big increase in depression, suicides and stress. Police report domestic violence increases during this time period. Strange occurrences for a time that is said to be a celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome in this place. The message this week is not an easy one to deliver. I asked God to give me the exact time to deliver it to you. There are some things I have known in my spirit for many years. I have not shared them very often because they are not popular ideas or thoughts. However, truth is truth, and as a preacher of the gospel I must address the misconceptions of Christmas this week.

The title of this message. “Was Jesus really ever in Christmas”, gives us a clue. I want to say this, my friends, Christmas is not something I obsess over or dwell upon. I admit that I enjoy the Christian Christmas carols like O Holy Night, Silent Night and Away in a Manger. The idea of acknowledging the birth of our savior is not repugnant to me. In fact, I believe it is important. The gathering of family and friends for fellowship is a good thing. Kept that simple, Christmas would be a nice thing, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, that is not the case.

As time has passed, Jesus has become less important and Santa Claus has become more important than Jesus. Gifts bought with borrowed and bill money puts a stress on people that can become unbearable. Alcohol and drug usage in the name of “Celebrating the Holidays,” become rampant. There are more driving under the influence arrests during the Christmas week than at any other time of the year. Now, I ask you, does that sound like the things Jesus would want to be associated with? Maybe there is a reason for all of this. Could it be that Jesus never was the reason for the season?

Let’s go back to the origin of Christmas and see if we can find out. Come on, let’s take an honest look. You know, God wants you to have knowledge of all things pertaining to life on this earth. Hosea 4:6 states:

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shall be no priest to me: Seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”
I am going to impart knowledge to you, my friends. All I ask of you is to take this knowledge to God and ask him to show you personally how it affects you. And then, do not reject what God shows you. Let’s start with the birth date of December 25th. We have established in previous messages most Bible scholars agree this was a date picked out by the Church of Rome, now called the Roman Catholic Church, to celebrate the birth of Christ. But, how did that date come about? Especially since most Bible scholars agree the real birth of Jesus was more likely in the early fall rather than the coldest part of December. Well, it appears the Emperor of Rome, Constantine, a real persecutor of Christians, and a follower of pagan and false gods, became converted to Christianity. Although professing to be a Christian, Constantine still worshipped pagan or false gods while at the same time professing his devotion to Christ. Now we know God requires his children to worship only him and no others, don’t we?

Constantine brought his pagan worship into the Christian church with him and unfortunately, the Church of Rome agreed to this mixture of worship of false gods and Jesus Christ at the same time. In December there was a pagan festival called Saturnalia where the pagans worshipped a cult statue of Saturn and Baal. The festival ended December 25th with gift giving and merry greetings. Sound familiar? The Church of Rome invited this pagan worship into the church and called it Christ/Mass. In other words, a mass to Christ.

My friends, Christmas has never been a pure celebration of Christ’s birthday. Something you may not be aware of – in colonial America there were no Christmas celebrations. And in fact, as recently as one-hundred years ago, Christmas celebrations and observances were against the law. (As being pagan and a reproach to the Lord) This was so in many parts of the United States, including most of New England. Actually, Christmas didn’t become a legal holiday in the United States until 1836 in Alabama. The reason people didn’t celebrate Christmas, is that they were aware of the association of Christmas and pagan worship.

Let’s talk about Christmas trees for a minute. I remember as a young Christian hearing an older Christian man, who I liked a lot, state he wouldn’t put up a Christmas tree. He didn’t think it was of God. And I thought – how stupid is that?! Once again, a lack of knowledge on my part. But, was he right? Let’s take a look. Remember the pagan festival of Saturnalia we talked about? Part of their festivities was the worship and decoration of trees. They would cut trees (usually evergreens), bring them into their house and include them as part of their worship to false Gods. At least ten times in the Bible, the green tree is associated with idolatry and false worship and is forbidden. Oftentimes, evergreen trees were worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency, and reproduction – all of this a lie of the Devil. Did God approve of this action? Jeremiah 10:1-4 tells us what God thinks about it.

“Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, learn not the ways of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: For one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold (ornaments): They fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”
I remember as a child my Grandfather cutting the tree, nailing it to boards so it would not fall. Yet God says these are the ways of heathens. It is a vain thing to do and these are things we shouldn’t have learned in the first place. I would suggest reading verse 5 of this scripture also, which basically says – do not be afraid of these trees for they themselves can do no evil or good; pointing out there is no use in this tradition. It glorifies God in no way.

You might say “Bro. Bob, this sounds like a big bah-humbug!” But in fact, it isn’t. This is a two or possibly a three part series. Stay with me to the end. I believe you will learn some things and be blessed. The point on trees is this, my friends, they have nothing to do with celebrating the birth of Jesus, but they do have roots steeped in pagan and false God worship.

We have a lot to touch on yet and we haven’t even touched on Santa Claus. The question being – is this fictional character a great builder of children’s imagination or the first and biggest lie parents have ever told their children? There’s more to come next week.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, January 2, 2011


2011 has arrived! 2010 is now history. The New Year in almost every culture, including ours, signifies new beginnings, doesn’t it? Many people are really glad that 2010 is over. This past year has seen job losses, health problems, broken relationships and the list goes on. Thank God 2010 is past, they think and say. But, what is ahead? More of the same? Or is there really hope out there somewhere?

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church services. Everyone, and yes we really do mean everyone, is welcome in this place. You have come to the right place, my friends. One thing this online church is convinced of – there is hope for you. Our hope and faith is in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God. And guess what? We are more than willing to share the love of God we have with you.

Last week we preached the message entitled “Put God First.” That should be the ongoing message for this New Year. If you want things to change in your and your family’s lives, you have to make some changes yourself. This time of year should be a time of self examination. Take an honest look, my friends. In the mirror of self examination you may see what you consider to be a good person - one who loves your family and works hard to provide the good things for your loved ones.

You may have fought the good fight with poverty, sickness and disease or unfair and unjust employers. Possibly addictions have impeded your desire to be the husband/wife, son/daughter you would like to be. Hey, I didn’t say these self examinations would be fun, did I? The truth is, when we really do a serious evaluation of ourselves, we almost always come up short, don’t we?

When one looks at all the obstacles of life, things that seem designed to destroy our dreams and plans can be very daunting. There are times when we as humans can be in a room full of people and be all alone. The good news is this – if you are brave enough to seriously evaluate yourself, you are on the right track for change. You may feel lost, but when you are with people who know the way, you can allow them to show you the way out. That is where this online church comes in for you. We know the way out of being lost. His name is Jesus.

God sent his only begotten Son to this earth to be the perfect sacrifice, to atone for all our sins. You see, the truth is, as you evaluate your condition, the real truth emerges. You can’t make the changes you need to make to be what you desire to be on your own. Your time has come. God is drawing you by his Holy Spirit to him. I know you are tired of the emptiness that plagues you. God desires to fulfill you. He desires to set you free from the law of sin and death. You say “I didn’t know there was a law of sin and death.” That’s okay, most people don’t. Romans 8:1-2 explains it very clearly. Get your Bible out and let’s read it together:

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.”
Did you notice the above scripture starts out by saying “There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus?” Now means now!! As soon as you willingly and on purpose receive Jesus Christ in your heart, you are set free from all the bondages of the sin in your life. All sin is forgiven and you are accepted into the family of God for life eternal. The question would be – how does this get you out of the troubled situations of life we talked about earlier? You know, the poverty, the bad relationships, sickness still attacks, employers are still unfair and unjust. The truth is, it doesn’t. But it does give you the opportunity to do something about it. Something you had neglected to do in the past. Because you are now in the family of God, you can cry out to your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus and he will hear you and deliver you out of your troubles. How do I know that? Turn with me to Psalms 34:17.

“The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.”
Look at Psalms 34:19 if you need more convincing.

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: But the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”
Now I can tell you God never delivers you out of these troubles in just the way or time you might think he would. But, God does keep his promises. Through his Word (the Bible), God will show you how to follow him. He will lead you to a victorious life on this earth. The emptiness we talked about earlier will be filled with the Spirit of God. Your reactions to the obstacles of life will be totally different.

God has chosen the end of 2010 to be the end of your walk without him. Now, as 2011 begins you can say as the Psalmist said in Psalms 40:1-3:

“I waited patiently for the Lord; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: Many shall see it and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.”
Simply put, the Spirit of God is calling you to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. However, the choice is yours to make. I love the above scripture because it says “He inclined unto me and heard my cry.” Imagine, God inclining to hear us! Come on, my friends, as we enter 2011, it is time to let God bring you out of the miry clay you have allowed yourself to get stuck in. He wants to set you firmly on the rock. That rock is his Son, Jesus Christ.

God will establish the new direction for your life, a path to eternal life with him. Pretty soon you’ll be singing a new song and it will be praises unto the Father. Your family and friends will see the change in you and your firm commitment to serving God will even draw some of them to him also.

This message, based on God’s Word, is not going to return void. I pray you are the reason that is so.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

You desire to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life. You are ready for a new beginning in 2011. E-mail me today. I will get with you and help you. E-mail me at, and let the year 2011 begin.