Sunday, July 31, 2011

WHO INFLUENCED YOU? (Part 2) [Repost from 11/7/2010]

I believe this message – Who Influenced You? – is one of the most important sermons I have ever given. To reflect back on many of the people who God has placed in our lives. I mentioned in last week's message that I now see that from birth to this present time, God has inserted just the right persons to help me stay on the right path with him. Well, guess what? He has done the same for you.

I want to welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long, online church service. Let us emphasize no one is barred from this place. As I was dwelling over last week's message, I was overcome with emotion. Thinking back about a Mom that cared enough to pray and believe that her children would someday come to know and serve God. Mom had some faults but not believing in God wasn't one of them. Remembering that traveling priest, Father Berson and his faithfulness to travel from mountainside to mountainside to give us the simple lesson of Jesus and his love for us. And then, of course, my grandparents in Virginia. They were not regular church goers themselves, but Godly by example and made sure I attended the Methodist Church down the street where Jesus was preached from the pulpit.

What memories my friends. I also talked last week about Bro. Fred Norris, my first pastor after receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I can still hear him say “You must be borned again.” I know I am repeating much of last week's message here. Such memories when brought to light do not go away easily, and thank God for that. I received so much from these vessels of love. Because of their willingness to share God with me, I can relate to Colossians 2:6-7:
“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.”
The key words in these scriptures for this message are “As ye have been taught.” I do abound with thanksgiving to God for all those who have taught me about Jesus. I will do as the scripture says, I will walk in him, rooted and built up in him. Can you relate to this, my friends? Think of those who have taught you. How faithful is God to have placed these people to guide and lead you in your walk toward and with God, through his Son, Jesus Christ.

We are talking about Godly influences in our life, aren't we? As you ponder on the relatives, friends, preachers and others who shared the love of God with you, I will continue with my remembrances. I'll never forget Bro. Ed. Shields. He attended the Free Will Baptist Church that Bro. Fred Norris pastored. Bro. Ed gave me one of my first opportunities to preach. We would go to the Detroit Rescue Mission. He always encouraged me to preach what God put in my heart. He didn't care if it was Baptist doctrine as long as it was Bible doctrine. I was thrilled when I gave my very first altar call and many people came forth to receive Jesus. And, when I looked back at Bro. Ed, he looked even more thrilled than I. I'm not sure that was possible, but he sure looked like it.

Another person in that same church that God used to shape me was Bro. Ron Reeves. Ron drove the church bus. At my mother's urging he would call my wife and me every Saturday night to see if he could pick up our kids for Sunday School. Now please understand, at that time we were not saved and certainly not serving God. We hated this religious guy calling every week. We did not want our children going to church every Sunday. But through Bro. Ron's persistence and Mom's urgings, we usually did let them go. I remember attending Christmas programs at the church only because our kids were involved. Looking at Bro. Ron, my heart was filled with hatred. One of the ways God showed me that I was really saved upon receiving Jesus into my heart (by way of a TV preacher), was when next I saw Bro. Ron Reeves, my heart was filled with love for him. That was way back in the '70s. We have been great friends ever since. But even better than that, we are brothers in Christ. Thanks, Bro. Ron, to you and to your family for being faithful. You are a blessing to our family.

Once again, my friends, this is not just about me. Who is coming into your thoughts now? Can you see how God has been with you since birth? These stories aren't just my stories, are they? Change the names and situations, and you will see that God has done the very same for you, hasn't he? You know, as I think of these men and women who have been faithful to impart God's word into us in their own special way, the word “faithfulness” comes to mind. I know God is pleased that those he put in our pathway were faithful to carry out his mission for them.

I have often preached as believers we are ambassadors of the kingdom of God. As we talk about these servants who have influenced us in our walk toward and with God, we see they were faithful in carrying out their work as ambassadors. Let's read II Corinthians 5:20 and see if this doesn't fit in here:
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us: We pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.”
Now, admittedly those exact words may not have been used. But it is clear everything these influences put in our lives were designed to reconcile us with God. Is that not so, believer? This is also true for you, nonbeliever. God wants you reconciled to him and he has and still is putting persons in your life to draw you to him.

There are many others I could mention in this message – Mike “Hippie” Hamilton, who constantly witnessed to me. Pastor Harold Hamlin and his wife Jan whose faithful walk with Christ is an inspiration to me, Bro. David Collins who taught me that being an usher was more than just seating people. His knowledge of old and new testament always amazed me. To begin to conclude this message is so difficult for me. So many people keep coming to mind, but I have to cut this off somewhere, so here goes.

After leaving the Free Will Baptist Church, God led us to another church whose slogan was “We are a charismatic teaching center, family church and world outreach,” a full gospel church. God was leading us into a deeper understanding of his Word and truth. Pastor John Bulloch, who I have referred to many times in previous messages, was our new pastor. I will never be able to repay Pastor Bulloch for all he placed in me and our family. He taught us that living for God was not just a Sunday and Wednesday night thing, but a 24/7 daily walk. We learned in depth about the gifts of God. We were taught clearly how the Word of God (The Bible) should operate daily in our lives. Pastor Bulloch taught how much God loves us and how he is a present time God. God wants us to prosper and be in good health (as our souls prosper). Church and living for God became the center of our lives. Pastor Bulloch and his wife Sis. Pat became our mentors. I often saw the frustration on Pastor Bulloch's face as he saw that oftentimes his flock didn't grasp all that God desired for them. Pastor Bulloch taught the consequences of sin and the blessings of serving God. He fed us the Word. He was available when you needed him. He sometimes allowed me to preach for him when he was traveling or preaching somewhere else.. Did God put this servant in my life as an influence? Yes, he did and I am thankful for that.

All right, ladies and gentlemen. Do you get the picture? God loves you so much that to be sure you can find your way to him, he places people in your lives from birth to right now. My prayer is that someday in the future, someone will think of who influenced them toward God, and that someone would be me. Do you pray the same thing for yourself? My guess is that you do.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, July 24, 2011

WHO INFLUENCED YOU? (Part 1) [Repost from 10/31/2010]

This past week I've been thinking a lot about the people who have influenced me over the years. You know, the ones who shared the love of God with me. I believe God has put men and women in my life since birth who pointed me toward a life with God and his Son, Jesus Christ.

I might add, Satan also put men and women in my life to draw me away from God. Someday, I will talk about them. But, this week and next, I want to share with you how you can influence others to come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, just as the men and women that God put in my life did for me.

Welcome everyone to your 24/7, week long, online church service. As you know by now, no one is excluded from this place: Born again, not born again, saved but distant from God by accident or on purpose. You are all welcome here. Our desire is to draw you to Jesus. Let him save you to the fullest. You will never regret it. Jesus tells us how all men can be drawn to him. In John 12:32 Jesus said:
“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.”
Jesus, as John 12:33 shows, was talking about how he was going to die. John 12:33 states:
“This he said, signifying what death he should die.”
The death on the cross. A death designed to save us all from eternal death. Little did the haters of Jesus realize, that when they lifted Jesus up on that cross to die, that he would not only arise from death to live forever, but would draw all men and all women, and children to him – so we could also live forever with him.

The reason I used these scriptures was to show what Jesus believed and taught all through the Bible. Our job as believers is to lift up the name of Jesus. Jesus will honor that by drawing all people to him. These are some of the people who lifted up the name of Jesus to me. You will notice that these individuals cross all denominational lines. Pointing out, what an old southern gospel song says “It's not the name over the door that counts, it's what's in your heart.” The first person I want to mention is my mother. Mom was a Catholic woman. I remember her taking us kids to home church services in Virginia. We lived in a small southern town where there were no Catholic churches, nor much love for the Catholics who did live there.

A traveling priest, Father Berson, would come every two weeks to say mass and teach us about God. This is where I first learned about Jesus and what he did for us. Father Berson also taught us about the apostles, how they followed and served Jesus, telling us they were an example to follow.

I must also mention my grandparents in Virginia. Most of my first ten years as a young boy I lived with them. They made sure I attended Sunday School at the Methodist Church. That was where I first actually heard “preaching from the pulpit.” It may also be where I first felt the draw or tug to become a preacher of the gospel. My grandparents would let me, as a six-year-old, preach to them and anyone else who would listen as they gathered in the living room. They would even let me take up a collection. Do you see the point I am making? Just as my Mom, Father Berson and my grandparents built up the love of God in me, you can do the same for your children, grandchildren and even your friends and neighbors.

As I grew older, I began to notice certain preachers, mostly on TV as I was not attending church on a regular basis. Preachers like Oral Roberts, A.A. Allen, and Rex Humbard began to attract my attention. Although I had basically grown up in the Catholic Church, I knew very little about a personal relationship with Christ. I knew about the Catholic Church, I knew about God and his son, Jesus Christ, but I did not know God in a personal sense.

The above preachers actually talked about a personal relationship with God. They talked about faith and God's love for us. They said we could be saved – whatever that meant. All I know is that I listened to them, not knowing the change it would make in my life. Romans 10:13-14 talks about these kind of preachers. The apostle Paul, preaching to the church in Rome said:
“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how, shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard and how shall they hear without a preacher?”
These scriptures were basically talking about me. These men of God planted in me the seed of salvation. Many years later, after living a life of sin and defeat, another TV preacher led me in the sinner's prayer. I gave my life to Jesus. Often times, I have been critical of false teaching and preaching, but make no mistake, my friends, there are called men of God who have been placed in your lives to show you the way to Jesus. Continuing in Romans 10:15-16:
“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.”
This scripture is not speaking of seminaries and denominations sending these preachers forth, but God, by his calling, directing them and leading them to help the lost to know Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for these preachers you have anointed with your love, power and grace.

I want to mention another preacher of the gospel who had a big impact on my life. Bro. Fred Norris, my first pastor after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Bro. Fred was the pastor of a small Free Will Baptist Church, and what a man of God he was. He preached salvation. He made it so real. He called it “being borned again.” Bro. Fred taught us about the love of God. When he was done preaching, you just knew God loved you and you wanted to return that love. Bro. Fred always had a smile, always showed you the love of Christ and you always knew Jesus first, then his family, and all of us were the loves of his life.

After seven years, we left that church to attend another, but Bro. Fred always stayed connected to us. Bro. Fred is with the Lord now, what a joyful man he must be. Believers, are you beginning to think of persons who influenced you and your walk with Jesus? That is the real goal of this message. Nonbelievers, does this message stir up remembrances of people who shared Jesus with you? I'm talking about friends, relatives, even in some cases strangers. Think of the preachers who have been faithful in your local churches and even on TV, preaching the love of God and building up your faith.

There are so many more to recall, aren't there? Tell you what, let's continue this journey of remembering the people that God has placed in our lives next week, okay? E-mail me today at with your memories and stories about those who have influenced you in your journey toward and with God. Let's read John 13:35, Jesus is speaking here:
“By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
The best way to show love one to another is to tell them about Jesus and him crucified.

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Sunday, July 17, 2011

GOD'S WISDOM IS ETERNAL [Repost from 2/28/2010]

Once again, we have the privilege to minister to you the love, mercy and grace of our Heavenly Father, through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Each day, as I pray and lift you up to the Father, I am thankful for the love of God that He has given me for you. My prayer for you is always for eternal life, wisdom, understanding, healing (both mental and physical) and deliverance from all demonic oppression.

You might say “Bro. Bob, do you really pray these things for me?” The answer, my friends, is a definite and truthful “Yes.” When I say welcome to your 24/7 week long online church service, we welcome everyone in this place, that is exactly what I mean. This ministry is built on a foundation of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. We know He died and arose from the dead as a perfect sacrifice for our sins, purifying us and making it possible that we may be saved and have eternal life with our Heavenly Father and our savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Our ministry name, The Spirit of Wisdom Ministries, came out of the book of Ephesians and is our prayer for you. Wisdom is only obtained through the Word of God (the Bible). Man's wisdom is temporary, but God's wisdom is eternal. Please turn to Ephesians 1:16-17. This was the apostle Paul's prayer for the believers at Ephesus and is also our prayer for you.

(I) Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers; that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.”

The spirit of wisdom is the Holy Spirit illumination of the Word of God. When you accept or have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you can ask God to give you eyes to see and ears to hear, spiritually speaking. As God grants your request, you will see that unlike before you will now be able to understand the words and intent of the Bible. The Word of God will become alive to you and yes, my friends, you will even be able to understand the King James version; putting to rest the lies of the devil and men that do not know any better.

As the spirit of wisdom begins to operate in your life, your understanding of God, through His Son Jesus, will be increased. Your future will become brighter than you ever imagined. Paul intended this prayer for the believers of his time. When I pray this prayer, I intend it for believers and nonbelievers alike. Why? Because I expect the nonbelievers that I witness and minister to will accept Jesus into their heart. My friends, I believe in the power of prayer, don't you?

I believe God wants you to have wisdom and understanding of His Word so you can be victorious over the devil, the world system which is ruled by sin, and the flesh which desires to sin. As believers, God has given us supernatural ability to be over comers right here in the earth. But, that power is only obtained and kept by maintaining our faith and trust in the finished work of Jesus and His sacrifice for us on the cross. Maintaining our faith gives the Holy Spirit latitude to work in our behalf.

So let's bring this all down to how this effects us today. Wisdom which comes from the Bible leads us to understanding of God's direction and way of life. Proverbs 4:5 helps point this out:

“Get wisdom, get understanding; forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.”

What is being instructed here, is when you get wisdom, understanding will come along also. However, do not decline or back away from God's Word or both understanding and wisdom will leave you. So, a word to the wise: Use the understanding and wisdom God gives you and keep using it. Do not back away from the Word of God so that things may stay well with you.

Now, with understanding comes ability; the God-given ability to live holy and righteous. What will that do for you? It will allow God to work through you. God will lead and guide you through all the trials and tribulations of life. Wisdom and understanding of God's Word will help you in every decision you make in life. How many times have I told you that the Bible is the direction book of life?

I believe the lack of wisdom of previous generations has led us to the problems and difficulties of life we now face. Man sometime ago made decisions to lean on the wisdom of philosophers, politicians, educators and false religions. There was a time when parents told their children, from early age to adulthood, stories about God and His goodness. That was wise!! What changed? The stories changed, my friends. Now, the stories are of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy. In today's world, children know more about Harry Potter and witches than they do about Jesus and the wondrous work He did for us. That, my good people, is not wise.

God's wisdom will assist you in making correct decisions in every facet of your life; money, relationships, employment choices, what churches to attend, what preachers to listen to and what preachers to run from. Are you getting the picture, church? Can you see why I pray that you would receive the spirit of wisdom? This is good preaching. Why? Because God is in this message.

There are many scriptures that back up what I am saying about wisdom. Let's look at a few. Proverbs 3:13:

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.”

Do you want to be happy? Find wisdom and understanding!! Be sure, however, the wisdom you obtain is from the Word of God. Man's wisdom is temporary and will eventually desert you. Let's look at Proverbs 3:5-8.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel and marrow to thy bones.”

Do not these scriptures from the Word of God, back up what I have been saying in this message? Let's be wise this week. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Use Godly wisdom and lean on the understanding God provides for you. Whatever you do, follow the wisdom of the Lord and not the faulty wisdom of man or yourself. If the wisdom you obtain is not based on the Word of God, it isn't wisdom at all, but foolishness. Godly wisdom and understanding can lead you into good health. Isn't that what the Word says? There is so much more I could say on this subject and I will do just that in future messages. Just know this, my friends, God loves you and He desires you have and operate in His wisdom and understanding. Remember, man's wisdom is temporary, but God's wisdom is eternal. Which one do you want to abide in?

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob

Praise Report: In answer to prayer, God has blessed Kathleen Warren with a new home, with a beautiful view of the Florida intracoastal waterway. Also, Kathleen is very thankful for her tax situation being worked out in her favor. Thank you Lord for answering prayer.

Prayer Requests: Please pray for Sherrie. She has a very serious stomach condition. Please pray for a complete restoration and healing. Sherrie, The Spirit of Wisdom online church family will be praying for you. We expect a good report in Jesus' name. God bless you.

Kathleen Warren requests prayer for salvation for her brother. Please pray that God will reveal himself to this young man and gives him eyes to see and ears to hear that he may be saved. Pray for spirit-filled believers to come into his life.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

On The Road Again

You know what, church? Let's begin this week by praising God and thanking him for all he has done for us. I am especially thankful for the wonderful family God has blessed me with. This past Tuesday, my wife, Vicki, boarded a plane, destined for the Detroit, Michigan area. Today, she is enjoying her time visiting our children and grand children. By the end of her time in Michigan, she will have seen three of our five children, plus six grand children, and a bunch of great grand kids. There is nothing God has blessed us more on this Earth than with a great family.

I mention all of this because this coming Wednesday, July 13th, I will be taking my annual summer vacation to see family and friends. I will be driving to Michigan to reunite with my wife. Together, we will see many friends and relatives, including my sister and her family in Northern Michigan.

This will also be a working trip for me. On Sunday, July 24th, I will be preaching at the Wesleyan Mission Church in Hazel Park, Michigan. This is your invitation to come and have Church with the members of this local Church and with me. Let me give you the details. The Wesleyan Mission address is:

1006 East George
Hazel Park, MI

The Church is located two blocks north of 8 mile road and one block east of I75 North. This invitation is for everyone just as the online Church is for everyone. The service starts at 11AM. Come on out, folks. I will be looking for you.

The Wesleyan Mission is a small Church by membership but a very big and welcome Church to all in their community. I believe God is sending me there to give a Holy Ghost inspired message that will light the spark that will ignite a powerful revival in that local church and in the city of Hazel Park, Michigan. You might say, Brother Bob, that is a big order. I would say, our God is a mighty God and he wants to do mighty things in Hazel Park. Folks, I am just a messenger. Psalms 37:23 states:

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and he delighteth in his way."
I must tell you any goodness I have is only because of Jesus and what he did for me on the cross of Calvery. I am delighted God has ordered my steps to the Wesleyan Mission Church. I am delighted in his ways. God is faithful.

Psalms 37:24-27 continues:

"Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. I have been young, now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore."
That, my friends, is the message I will be delivering. You see, it is not the messenger, in this case myself, but rather the message of God that is important. Words of life. The devine word of truth can and will accomplish much. I am also hoping to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever I go. So, get ready, Michigan. Brother Bob is coming your way!

I might add, on our way back to Florida, we will go by Tennessee to see our daughter Shari and her family. Our Grandson Jordan will be on a mission trip. We will miss not seeing him but we are looking forward to our visit with our son in law, Pastor John Osier, and our daughter Shari. Hopefully, our granddaughter Jessica will be back from vacation at that time. Can you now see how this will be a blessed trip and at the same time a greatly needed vacation for Vicki and myself. God is so good and worthy of all praise.

There is one regret for us. We will see four of our five children. Our son, Pastor David, lives in the Northeast part of the country and we will not see him and his family. Our determination is now set to visit them as soon as possible. Let it be said we are proud of all of our children. Each one is unique in their own way.

You know church, when I meditate or contemplate on all God has blessed me with, I am overwhelmed. I believe, as I have often told my children, the closer to God you are, the better your life will be. The further away from God, the worse off your life will be. Staying close to our Heavenly Father, through his son Jesus Christ, allows us to agree with the Psalmist as he sings to the Lord. Psalms 16:11 states:

"Thou (God) wilt show me the path of life; in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore."
That is the way I feel, church. I desire you to have the same closeness with God as I have when I draw close to him. That is why I preach this word to you. I say, in the name of Jesus, be blessed, church. Let God show you the path of life. Stay near his presence so you may dwell on the fullness of joy. The real pleasures in life, now and beyond, are in him.

I have shared with you my agenda for the next several weeks. So the question remains, what about our online church services? Will they continue while I am traveling and visiting with family and friends? The answer is a very big resounding yes, my friends, yes! We are going to repost four previous messages starting July 17th and ending on August the 7th. You will be able to read or listen to them. Gods word does not change. Therefore, if the presented message in 2010 was really of God, it will pertain today just as well. Please read and listen to each message. You will not be disappointed.

We will return August 14th, 2011, with new and current messages for you. I will have access to my email. If you have any prayer requests or need to contact me, I will be available for you. Our email address is: Please, church, continue to pray for all prayer requests shown at the right side of each message. I will personally pray daily for them and for you.

God Bless You,

Brother Bob

Urgent New Prayer Request: Please pray for Sharron Shaw. She has been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and has been in critical care. Please pray for a complete healing and recovery for Sharron. This prayer request is now posted at the right side of this and future weeks messages. So, please, keep her in your prayers until further notice.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This week the United States of America celebrates our status as an independent, free nation. We are blessed to be citizens of this great country, aren’t we? Did you know the Fourth of July used to be called Independence Day? Our founding Fathers had a vision of a country where we would not be under the control of a state religion. They envisioned a day when men could worship the Creator in any fashion they chose to. In fact, this vision of freedom would actually allow men and women to not worship a spiritual being at all if that is what they desired. We don’t hear about that too often, do we?

Welcome everyone to your 24/7 week long, online church service. Everyone is welcome and loved in this place. I am so thankful to God for the freedom this country affords. In I Chronicles 16:34 there is a prayer of thanksgiving that seems appropriate here.

“O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good; for his mercy endureth forever.”
You know, church, God is good and his mercy does endure forever. I am sure when God looks on this nation he is oftentimes disappointed. Yet, because he hears the prayers of his children, he spreads his love and his mercy upon us. This country, founded upon Christian values such as love, peace, mercy and grace, has been a lighthouse and a guiding light to peoples of all nations. It’s no wonder we are a country of immigrants. After all, who does not want to be free?

July Fourth is always a time of remembrance to me. Looking back in time I can still see our five children and my lovely wife, Vicki, enjoying the celebration at Clawson Park. All the oohs and aahs as the fireworks lit up the sky. The misty eyes as the Star Spangled Banner played on radios and at the ball parks. Observing people gathering together to celebrate the land we were and are blessed to live in.

Those are the good things. Yet, if we are to be honest this Fourth of July, we must admit there is trouble in this land. As we ponder the Christian values this land was founded on, we can ask the question, what has happened to us? Love for our fellow man as God loves us was at one time shown in abundance. But now, in many cases is replaced by hatred. Jesus gave us the recipe for love in John 3:16-17. Jesus said:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not parish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
The reason I introduced this scripture into this message is very simple. Jesus said we are to be as he is. It is the love of the Savior that causes him to bless this nation. It is precisely his lack of condemnation toward us that draws men to him. The problem is, our country is drawing away from love and more and more into condemnation of others. Ladies and gentlemen, we must stop it now.

We are a nation that talks Christian values but are showing just the opposite values. We are replacing love with hate. We are replacing peace with war. Mercy is something we have lost somewhere along the way. We seem to be a country that puts wealth and greed and corporate dominance over the needs of the poor and middle class in this land. This is a call to those who love God and his ways to take a real stand for this country. This is not a political problem, this is a spiritual problem.

It’s time for us to truly humble ourselves and to pray for our nation. My plea is that we begin to love again. Race, wealth, gender and even religion should never be a barrier to love. My prayer is that we will turn this country over to God again. What I am trying to say is this: Let us never forget that without the leading and guidance of God in our personal life, our contribution to our country will dissolve into nothingness. I am saying to each of you, love and serve God first and always love and serve the United States of America. Always pray for God’s blessing upon this country. Psalms 117:1-2 gives good instruction for us on this July Fourth. It reads like this:

“O praise the Lord, all ye nations: Praise him, all ye people. For his merciful kindness is great toward us and the truth of the Lord endureth forever. Praise ye the Lord.”
So what is the truth of the Lord, my friends? It is to show love, mercy, peace and grace to one another. That, my friends, is what builds a great country. Thank God for all his provisions and thank God for watching over us and our country. Happy Fourth of July everyone..

God Bless You,
Bro. Bob